Janis Skrastins
(Jānis Skrastiņš)
CV: link
Associate Professor of Finance
Washington University in St. Louis
Olin Business School
JPAL, invited researcher
SH 221, Campus Box 1133
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899
E: jskrastins [AT] wustl [DOT] edu
Research Interests
Financial Intermediation, Labor Economics, Organizational Economics, Emerging Markets, Networks
RA Work
Emily Breza and I are looking for a Senior Research Associate in Brazil. Please apply via J-PAL:
Financial Access and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Credit Lotteries
American Economic Review (2024) with Bernardus van Doornik, Armando Gomes, and David Schoenherr
Banco Central do Brasil Award for Best Working Paper in Finance and Banking,
EMEA Best Paper Award (IWFSAS 2018 Conference)
VoxDev summary: link
Econimate summary video: link
Decision-Making Delegation in Banks
Management Science (2024) with Jennifer Dlugosz, Yong Kyu Gam, and Radhakrishnan Gopalan
Barter Credit: Warehouses as a Contracting Technology
Journal of Finance (2023)
EFMA Best PhD Paper Award, MFA Outstanding Paper Award
Strategic Formal Layoffs: Unemployment Insurance and Informal Labor Markets
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics (2023) with Bernardus van Doornik and David Schoenherr
Banco Central do Brasil Award for Best Working Paper in Economics
VoxDev summary: link
Unemployment Insurance as a Subsidy to Risky Firms
Review of Financial Studies (2022) with Bernardus van Doornik, Dimas Fazio, and David Schoenherr
Experience of Communal Conflicts and Inter-group Lending
Journal of Political Economy (2020) with Ray Fisman, Arkodipta Sarkar, and Vikrant Vig
How Organizational Hierarchy Affects Information Production
Review of Financial Studies (2019) with Vikrant Vig
Working Papers
(with Bernardus van Doornik, Dimas Fazio, and Tarun Ramadorai)
Media: Forbes, The Telegraph
(with Bernardus van Doornik, Armando Gomes, and David Schoenherr)
Court Quality and Economic Resilience
(with Dimas Fazio, Thiago Silva)
NSE Best Paper Award at ISB Summer Research Conference
Escaping Violent Death: Access to Credit and Female Mortality
(with Bernardus van Doornik and David Schoenherr)
Work in Progress
Capital Budgeting and Reallocation in Banks
(with Deniz Aydin and Ernest Liu)
Heterogeneity and Optimal Loan Pricing
(with Deniz Aydin and David Sraer)
Tell Me Your Type: Information Asymmetry and Credit Allocation Through Consorcios
(with Bernardus van Doornik, Maryam Farboodi, and David Schoenherr)